Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Arab Israeli Christians

There are approximately 150,000 Christian Arabs in Israel today. (Rosenthal, 306) Christian Arabs in Israel face quite a dilemma. For the most part, most radical Muslims consider them the lesser of two evils (though, evil none the less) when compared to the Jewish population. Many Muslim radicals often deem Christians as Jewish collaborators. The Jewish population is often skeptical of most Arabs and often questions Arabs intentions and loyalties, often prejudging most Arabs as perspective terrorists. This forces Arab Christians into an awkward situation; Arab Christians are in the middle of a cultural battle between Muslims and Jews.

"Criticize the intifada to the wrong person and he may call you a collaborator." (Rosenthal, 308)

"Even the most moderate Muslims are afraid to sell to Christians. People who sell to us or any Jews are called collaborators. Some are shot." (Rosenthal, 309)

These testimonies depict a few of the anguishes the Arab Christians face at the hands of Muslims. Muslim vendors cannot even sell goods to non-Muslims without the risk of putting themselves in danger. Arab Christians have to be careful what they say and to whom or risk being labeled a collaborator with the Jews, a label which seemingly makes an Arab Christian essentially a Jew to Muslims and therefore an enemy to Islam.

"We wanted a nice apartment. With our last name, we knew we'd have trouble finding a place. Which is why we got a Jewish realtor. I work with her sister and the bank. She advised me to wear a big cross when I met the landlord. That way he'll know we're 'good' Arabs. (Rosenthal, 309-310)

This testimony is from Naila, an Arab Christian women looking for an apartment in East Jerusalem. This brief story speaks volumes about the Arab Christians predicament. They must advertise their beliefs to the Jewish population in order to avoid and lessen suspicions that they may be terrorists. There is a level of irony evident due to the fact that Christian Arabs must watch what they say and do in order not to be labeled as a Jewish collaborator while at the same time advertise that they are Christians in order not to arouse suspicion from the Jewish population. "We're caught in the middle," says Naila, "A lot of Muslims don't trust us because we're Christian. And a lot of Jews don't trust us because we're Arabs. They think all Arabs are terrorists." (Rosenthal, 310)

According to interviews conducted by National Geographic Magazine, modern Arab Christians blame Western (American) Christians for making matters worse for Christians living in the Middle East, especially Israel. The article suggests that the wars both in Afghanistan and Iraq are wars instigated by Christians. "To many Muslims, especially the fanatics, this looks like the Crusades all over again, a war against Islam waged by Christianity. Because we're Christians, they see us as the enemy too. It's guilt by association." (National Geographic Magazine)

The credibility of this article seems questionable in that it may be politically motivated though it indefinitely holds truth. No doubt the wars being waged in the Middle East by the U.S. have stirred up and rallied Muslim fundamentalists. The presentation of the article makes it seem as though the Arab Christians were traditionally neutral and that the U.S. involvement in the Middle East has allegedly tied the Arab Christians allegiance with that of the U.S. This would in turn make them targets in the eyes of Muslim extremists. While the United States wars in the Middle East have undoubtedly fanned the flames of hatred towards the Arab Christians, it is important to note that the United States actions did not create the flames. In other words, Arab Christians have always been a target in the eyes of Muslim radicals and now even more so due to the actions of the U.S.

" 'After Saturday comes Sunday.' Do you know what this means? It means 'After we are finished with the Jews, it's the Christians' turn,' " proclaims Naila. "They hate our religion. They call us infidel dogs, Heretics. They want us out." (Rosenthal, 308)

Muslims extremists have made it clear that if you are not one of them, you are against them, which seems to be the predicament Arab Christians, and Jews for that matter, are in.

"Anyone who doesn't get on the Islam train is done for. Anyone who wants to be certain in his life and also after death must convert to Islam. In the end, Islam will be the only religion left in the world." (Rosenthal, 312)


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